Intermediate NX Design and Assemblies
With Teamcenter Integration

Course Code
NX 10.0
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Live In-Person Duration
5 Days

Class is taught in the Teamcenter integration environment.

Intermediate NX Design and Assemblies is designed to advance students further up the productivity curve. As a second tier course Intermediate NX Design and Assemblies builds on the tools you deployed as a result of attending the Essentials for NX Designers course. This method-based course focuses the student on productive modeling techniques that capture design intent in the context of the Master Model. Delivering on that outcome, this course will incorporate sketching, inter-part modeling, design intent, and several assembly topics as a significant part of the instruction.

UPDATE: If you are considering this course, please also consider the NX CAD Advanced Processes course as an alternative. The NX CAD Advanced Processes course was designed by our US training experts and exceeds the course objectives of the Intermediate NX Design and Assemblies course above. Similar in content, but designed as a process-based deliverable with richer hands-on activities which will help users quickly become efficient in the use of NX.

  • This course is for designers, engineers, and CAD/CAM managers who need to create parametric solid models that capture design intent.

Required courses:


  • Successful completion of Essentials for Designers prerequisite assessment on the Siemens Xcelerator Academy (score >70%). Siemens Xcelerator Academy courses can also be used to prepare for the prerequisite assessment.

Basic understanding of parametric modeling, and the Master Model Concept.

Working knowledge of the following:

  • NX interface
  • Creating, opening, and saving parts in a Teamcenter Integration environment.
  • Part file saving conventions
  • Sketching and constraining techniques
  • Adding and constraining assembly components
  • Swept features with optional Offset
  • WCS & Absolute coordinate systems
  • Layer control
  • Simple blends

  • Student Guide
  • Activity Material
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  • Pattern sketch curves
  • Offset sketch curves
  • Create a basic free form shape
  • Create expressions with measurements
  • Copy/paste a feature
  • Create reference sets
  • Create draft
  • Use Synchronous Modeling
  • Create a variable blend
  • Create component patterns
  • Apply top down assembly modeling
  • Design “in context”
  • Use the WAVE geometry linker
  • Create interpart references
  • Define remembered assembly constraints
  • Define a revision identifier
  • Understand component replacement methods
  • Manage assembly arrangements