In response to customer demand, Siemens PLM Software developed a certification program for NX professionals. This program has been designed and structured similar to professional certification programs in other industries that are in place to validate a user's professional qualifications. NX Designer Certification consists of three timed sections to measure an individual's understanding and application of NX design: 2 skill based sections and 1 knowledge based section
In Skill Based Sections, a test booklet is made available to the test taker. Tasks are completed by opening part and assembly files and then following the instructions for each task. The test taker then answers questions in regards to the task performed.
Knowledge Base sections are an online web based test. It consists of theory questions. The test consist of Multiple Choice, All That Apply, and some True/False questions. At the end of the section, the test takers submits their answers. During the Knowledge Based section, the NX application is not available.
As part of the NX Designer Certification program, Siemens PLM Software has developed an online assessment tool that is valid for all licensed NX users. This tool will help you evaluate your skills prior to the NX Designer Certification. Visit our Learning Advantage web site for your free assessment.
Any NX user
Required courses: