This course is designed to give new users experience creating and editing parametric models using the essential NX processes. Users will learn how to create sketches to capture design intent, how to model a part efficiently, as well as how to assemble parts into product assemblies, and produce basic part drawings.
In this course, designers, engineers, and NC/CNC programmers will learn to build assembly structures and create parametric solid models that capture design intent.
You will learn to create connection and component lists, qualify parts for use in routing assemblies, and how to place parts in a wiring assembly. You will also learn to create and edit wiring paths and assign components and connectors. Finally, you will learn to create formboards.
In this course, you will learn to quickly define piping paths placed around and through other NX assemblies, assign NPS stock to these paths, and to qualify and place standard parts. These subassemblies typically define the systems that provide process piping, disposal of waste, and structural support.