mouse On-Demand Training - University: STAR-CCM+


Introduction to STAR-CCM+ multiphysics simulation, geometry processing, meshing, solver settings, post processing. University edition - there are NO labs. To register for this library for free, use discount code STARUNIV in the shopping cart.

  • 12 month subscription
  • Access to cloud-based environment for hands-on lab exercises
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  • Knowledge assessments to measure learning progress

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Content Details
Starting at
USD $2300.00 / year
learning path

Fundamentals of STAR-CCM+

Introduction to STAR-CCM+ multiphysics simulation, geometry processing, meshing, solver settings, post processing, and other aspects of the simulation workflow.

learning path

Heat Transfer

Practice the setup of CHT and radiation simulations, consider mesh/prism mesh requirements. Learn about the different heat transfer coefficients in STAR-CCM+.

learning path

Multiphase in STAR-CCM+

Learn about Eulerian multiphase flows in STAR-CCM+ and about differences in multiphase flow approaches, basic equations, and forces on particles and bubbles.

3 Learning Paths
23 Chapters
167 Topics
7 Hours of Video

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mouse On-Demand Training - University: STAR-CCM+

  • 12 month subscription
  • Access to cloud-based environment for hands-on lab exercises
  • Access to new training content added during the subscription period
  • Knowledge assessments to measure learning progress
Starting at
USD $2300.00 / year